Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Raising the Walls!

Day 1 of Framing!!!

I will call this first picture the Wall Raising!  Don was off today, so the second I got off of work - 5pm, we walked down to see how much was done.

I waited until after they were gone before I went back to take more pictures.  This one is straight on

This is the sitting room off of the master.  The back 2 walls will be all windows.

This is where the double doors will be out to the back portch.

This door leads out to the car port and over to the 1 car garage.

..and this is 1 of the walls of the library, where I will be spending most of my time since I work from home!

Thank you Lord for such a blessing.  I have seen this in my mind for so long, it is so exciting to see it with my eyes!


Kate said...

Nice to see the house progress, but what happened to your horse blog? I loved reading about your aside adventures and your beautiful horses. So few people ride that way, was very interesting. Cheers

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