Let's start outside! This is the front porch. Not sure if you can see this, but it is
stained black and stamped like cobble stones. It has yet to be sealed though and I am not sure if that will change the look or not.
There is a lot of driveway...going in ...
..and coming out...
..and around the back too.
Here are the special glass front kitchen cabinet doors and the pickling stain I chose for the kitchen.
The glass is not yet in the doors. I think this will contrast nicely to the dark titanium counter tops. They will be installed as soon as the painters are done.
They just started staining the swinging door going into the dining room.
I am really pleased with the library. I want it to look like a room out of an 1800's home.
These are built in the master bedroom. Had them stained to match the antique fireplace mantle.
This will be Mike's closet. Also had everything stained dark in there to make it look masculine!
A mirror will be added above the bench here.
This is a small part of my closet...(don't be a hater... it looked way smaller on the blue prints than it turned out!)I do not own enough shoes - counting my riding boots to fill 1/3 of this.
The stairs and landing are just now starting to be stained. A bit lighter than the library, but a rich warm medium dark brown.
Still waiting on the landing rail to be delivered.
As much as was done, I was hoping more would be finished. We have a set date for the marble, travertine and tile to go in and done or not - all work must be stopped when that goes in.
I have been working - dreaming of this home for years... no decades! Now that it is coming into fruition - I have a sense of surealness. I am so thrilled and day by day I thank God for this blessing and try to not let the small stressful stuff steal my joy.
Come next Spring - a wedding will be hosted here... my own with my beloved Dr. Michael J. DeLitta. Over 2 years ago I was drowning in tears. I could see no way of keeping this farm by myself seeing my vision through to reality although I would swear on my own life that I knew that I knew God gave me this land. He made a way. He gave me a life partner, a mate, a best friend. God took my tears and turned them into laughter..just as He promised He would!!
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