Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good News..

Remember when I told you that I was sure my department was going to be handed over to our counterparts in Detroit? Well, apparently the Government offices we work with contacted the management in writing and via the phone to cast their vote for Vicki and I to take over all the responsibilities...WOW!! Thank You Sweet Lord!! Our department is going to be our department for ever and ever...AMEN!

It feels good when your hard work and dedication gets noticed! Work is insanely busy.. but I am all SMILES!

Now - I just have to figure out a way to get the day off I need to show at the Pin Oak Charity Horse show.


Dianne said...

So happy for you Julie! How is Don these days? Thinking of you both.

RiderWriter said...

Good for you! That's great news. :-)

I am also wondering how Don is doing...