Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My New Year's Resolution - What is Yours?

Yes - by gosh - I am going to learn how to ride Sidesaddle!


Michelle said...

I love this picture! Riding side saddle on the hippo shouldn't be too dangerous. ;)

Anonymous said...

I haven't made a resolution in many a long year.

2008 was a year of ups and downs healthwise and other wise, but all in all we feel it was a good year. We've had much worse! So we feel blessed and hope '09 goes as well as '08.

Happy New Year Julie!

All the best in 2009!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Julie!!! My resolution is to spend more quality time cherishing my boys and family.

Have a wonderful safe new year!

cotedetexas said...

How romantic - shades of gone with the Wind!

thank you so much for your good wishes and here are mine to you!! Happy Happy!!!!


The Urban Chic said...

Happy New Year Julie. I hope yours is better also, but even with all that has happened since Dec.26th of 2007 to Dec 26th of this year, I still have many Blessings to be thankful for. I just hope this year will be better for all.
My New Years Resolution is to finish organizing and staying positive and plenty of smiles. When I did ride a horse, it was always side saddle, that way if I got scared, I could just jump off. Just wasn't my thing, but I do love watching others ride them. Big Hugs, Pat

vivian said...

Im on a little self health improvement plan for 2009.. well, I dont really have a plan.. I'm just going to do it. Pray I stay motivated, determined and muster up some forever will power!!
happy new year!

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Oh My gosh! This picture is so cute and funny. I've never ridden side saddle and can't imagine how to guide a horse from just one side! How do you do lead changes? or just nudge them over just a bit? I can't wait till you learn so you can let us all know how it's done. I know you'll do great and look so elegant, too!!
Hope your New Year is filled with many blessings!
Patricia :o)

PS: I don't really do resolutions. They're more like goals so that I know I've accomplished something by the end of the year.

GoonrGrrl said...

What's really funny is that my New Year's Resolution, as posted on COTH a few days beforehand, was:





First thing that happened on New Year's Day? He found me!