Wednesday, August 30, 2017

It Seems Trivial.. comparison of what so many others are going through, but we had a major leak in the new house and if you have followed this blog for long - you probably already know where it is.... the upstairs balcony doors.  Here is the damage which actually looks worse now that the dry wall is pulling away from  the ceiling  :

This door is the culprit!  We now believe it was installed backwards.  Anyway - I have a guy coming out from BMC to measure for a new one.  This door was not purchased from BMC.

The thing that I am most concerned about is the move in date.  We are really hoping to have Thanksgiving dinner here this year.

This is a journal of our farm and the construction of this house.  This small leak is nothing in comparison to what others are going thru now.  Hurricane Harvey devastated so many peoples homes.  My heart goes out to each and every one of them,

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