Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bad News..

..from the neighborhood association meeting.

A very long story short.. although we live on a farm (we have 26 acres) we do live on a developed subdivision of sorts where the smallest amount of property you can have is 15 acres. Anyway - one of the developers has not released the deed to the common areas. Common areas are the lake and the roads. The association will not have to retain a lawyer to move forward. One of those common areas runs down the boarder of our land. It should be at least graveled..if not paved. Without something down on the ground, building on the site where we plan to put our home would be difficult - if not impossible. The least amount of ground that needs to be worked on would be roughly 750 linear feet.

To sum it up, the association does not want to invest any money into any area that is considered a common area until the issue of title is resolved. While I understand that... it sure puts a huge damper on our house plans. We can assume the cost obviously... but to get something put it that is at least 'presentable' will cost THOUSANDS...


I think this is one of those things that the Lord is going to have to work out for us.


Patrinas Pencil said...

Yeah...God loves to hear of those 'impossible' things....I pray the deed is released into your hands 'pronto'. Make the way straight, Lord. Remove the Jesus Name.

Praying for open hearts and hands and doors...

nice looking horse in your header.
Patrina <")>><

vivian said...

how disappointing. it does sound like a good one to put in Gods hands! I'll send up a little prayer too.
have a sweet day julie!

Janice Grinyer said...

Hmmm...I wonder if God has something in the works on this...;) that will twice bless, maybe even hundredfold?
Still praying for you!

Dianne said...

Have faith it will be worked out to your advantage any way it goes. HE is in charge and HE loves you!