Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Doctor's Appointment Today...

..for Don. This is with the local hepatologist who will be doing his varaces operations. I think after this appointment we will know when the start date is for the next 5 procedures on his throat. Will keep you updated.

As for Dad.. he had a reaction to one of his medicines - the blood thinner, and his platelet count dropped, resulting in large purple bruising just beneath his skin. I was able to take Emily, Madison and Trestin to see him Monday evening and then I went back last night to see him by myself. His face was bleeding when I got there and did not stop for about 20 minutes..and that was just a small scrape. I know all about the complications of low platelets as Don went through this when he was on chemo last year. Simply put.... it is YUCKY...

I have noticed that recently, when I go to see Dad, he wants to constantly touch me... hold my hand or just touch my arm. I pull my chair as close to his bed as I can get it and we never flounder for things to talk about..even if I get to see him several times a week. I like that. He loved seeing the children and was impressed that they each crawled into bed with him, giving him hugs and kisses before we had to go. Madison wanted to tape up all the purple spots on his arm (future nurse maybe?? ha ha) and asked if she could come back before we left. That made Dad smile. I am going to take the kids back to see him all dressed up in their Halloween costumes.


Dianne said...

Indeed you must take the kids back to see your dad! Of course he wants to touch you...the strong healing feelngs of touch. Can you imagine how welcome your faces must be to him...a bit of his "real" life back.
I cannot wait to hear about Don and his appointments. Email me!!
xoxo Dianne

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Hope all goes well with Don.
It is so great you get to spend time with your dad and the kids go to visit too.
You are an amazing person