Tuesday, September 8, 2009

He Won!!!

OMG! Don was so excited when he called to tell me he won this HUGE TV that I could hardly understand him. There was a big contest at his work all month where each employee earned points which they used to bid on items they wanted. This is what he won!My favorite part of this picture is on the box where it says "Life's Good"!


Kaede said...

Oh, wow. Congratulations.

Charmingdesigns said...

I want one! I'm so happy for you. Glad to have you come by and visit, I've missed you. Hope you are doing really well now. Take care of yourself.

cotedetexas said...

So glad you are starting to feel better - I hope the rest of the year of a more healthy year for your and your husband - you truly deserve it after all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for stopping by today.

Anonymous said...

Good for Daddy he deserves it. Mommy I hope you get sleep at night and don't go blind.
Love you both!

Helen said...

How great ... we have something in common now ~ LG TV's.

vivian said...

Congratulations! He deserves it! and so do you!

Hosanna said...

Oh man. I could use one of those. I just sold our 60 inch big screen..... and I am looking for something a bit smaller; right now we're watching on a 24 inch "analog" set till...............

Ginger said...

Congrats to Don. How exciting. That looks like a nice tv. After what you both have been through lately, you sure deserve something nice.

bj said...

This is waaaaay amazing, Julie. Bless his heart, it's time Don got a break. And, good gosh, he's a handsome dude!!
You are so going to love that big tv. We sure like ours....
Hope you are feeling better each day, Julie...
xo bj

Julia said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Sometimes It's Good said...

Wow! That is fabulous! Have fun with your new TV!
Hugs, Susan

Unknown said...

WHOOHOO!!!!!! Congratulations Don!!! I am so excited for you, you deserve this with all you two have been through!! Enjoy :)

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

CONGRATULAIONS to Don (and you too since you get to enjoy it). Oh my goodness!! I'm so glad he won that. And you must be so proud of him to have earned all those points! Wow! Very cool!
Patricia :o)