Cecile Brunner roses are small, about the size of modern day miniature roses and have as many petals as the beautiful cutting roses you would use.

They are prolific bloomers and can handle the South Texas heat. I bought 2 fairly mature bushes - so they can get established quicker and have a better chance of survival!

My best advice for climbers, don't prune. I have pruned so many climbers that have long canes that came out into the yard and we mowed into them, only to have the plant revert back to the original rose they use. The original is a single-petal red which isn't very pretty. I don't think I overly pruned them, but they have all reverted back. So, don't prune them.
Have you heard of The Antique Rose Emporium in Independence, Texas? It's worth a field trip. You are going to love those roses.
My very favorite flower is the rose. I really love the roses that have a heavy scent. Is that your arbor in the picture or a picture from the internet? It's beautiful.
That is just beautiful. I hope y'all are doing good.
{{Big Hugs}}
I've always wanted an arbor with a pink climbin rose. I'm just too lazy to get one going. I think maybe you've inspired me. Thanks.
Hi, The bottom photo is from my yard in Chattanooga, Tn. Cecile Brunner is a wonderful and prolific bloomer. I have three of them, and I did prune one too heavily, and it reverted back to red! Such a disappointment....I had no idea it would do that. I highly recommend Cecile Brunner....the rose in the picture of my deck that you show here is from one rose. It's amazing! Sandra
Simply breathtaking! My very favorite rose :)
Just gorgeous!!
very beautiful....
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I put some canes, into the ground, coming over the six foot fence from my neighbors several years ago. We now have a combined bush over 15' tall and 10 to 15' wide in both directions. No problem reverting back to root stock here. Definitely a Cecile Brunner by flower, foliage and fragrance.
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