What does this all mean? Really. What are the consequences of having Hepatitis in your body undetected for 30 years? What can we expect? What should we pray for and pray against?
Since Don has cirrhosis his changes of getting liver cancer in his lifetime have increased by 50%. We laughed about his past fear of doctors. For the rest of his life he will be going into see the doctor no less than 2 times a year..and that is just for his liver "check-ups" Right now, he sees him so often, they are almost best friends!
Our biggest goal is to rid his body of the Hepatitis C. That is what is destroying his liver and as long as it is alive inside of him, it is doing damage...now permanent damage. What happens if this treatment does not work and he is a "non-responder"? Well - we will go to more specialists and try treatments that are still in the testing phases...and if it becomes necessary, he will be placed on a liver transplant list.
I know I have said this in the past, but just to reiterate some very important information. The liver is a remarkable organ. If you have an accident or a tumor and you lose part of it, it will literally grow back. The only time this is not true is in the case of cirrhosis. To give you a mental picture, your liver is like a huge filter for your blood and cirrhosis is a lot like chicken wire running through the liver tissue. If the cirrhosis gets bad enough, it inhibits the liver from being able to do its job.
Want to pray? Please pray that Don is a RESPONDER! Pray that the Hepatitis will die inside of him. Pray mostly that God's Will will be done!
..... amen.
We will pray for you and Don and that he'll come through this with the best possible outcome!
Hugs, Susan
and I continue to pray for Don, your family and his doctors....
Julie, I came to visit because you visited me recently... I'm sorry about Don and I do hope he's a responder! I wish you the best and Happy Birthday on St. Patrick's Day! :)
Thanks so much for visiting our blog. I wish I knew how to make a button for you and that way other bloggers could put it on their site for others to pray for your hubby. I know there are those out there that can do it for you. Just an idea. The more prayer the better I say. Let me know if you get a button and we will put it on our sidebar. The Twins
BIG prayers that Don will respond.
I am praying sweetie ...:)
Amen. You're both in my thoughts and prayers.
I stand in agreement. Thinking of you both,Brenda
I will pray for you, too. I feel for you and all you are going through. Stay strong. Hugs...
I will pray for you and Don. Have faith, the Lord will get you through...think of HIM as if he were holding your hand.
I've been praying for you and Don since I first read about what is going on...and I will continue to do so. I just know Don is going to respond well to the treatment and that he will "be healed"...I just feel it to my bones. I know the Docs will not say "healed" but I do know it is the case with my sweet hubbin and it will be with your Don!
I sure wish I could give you a big ole (hug) in person and let you know it is all going to be ok...but a cyber hug will have to do until I see you in person...one day!
Just know you guys continue to be in my prayers and will remain there until Don is completely healed.
Blessings...and ((((HUGS))))
You will both be in my thoughts and my prayers!
{{Big Hugs}}
I will continue to pray, Julie! ((((hugs))))
well, thats some story.. I'm glad you shared it with us. I think is so good to share each others burdens and be able to pray for each other. I will pray that Don is a RESPONDER and that Gods will be done. He only has the best plans for us, right?
I'm glad that your husband has a great sense of humor and also that he spared you by leaving the room before pulling his finger!!!
sending prayers up!
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