Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Past Easter Memories!

Annie at My Life As Annie is having her Time Travel Tuesday and this week it is about Easter. Growing up Easter was ___________.


Something unique about our Easter Celebration was a wire cross our church had. It was always standing up on the floor in the center of the isle at the front of the church as bare as can be Easter Morning. Every child would bring a spring flower and at a certain point during the ceremony, we would go up to the cross and fill it in with the beautiful flowers. Mine were always roses from a neighbors yard. Ironically, the woman who owned the rose bushes kind of scared me, but she always allowed me to get these Easter roses.

We usually ate at my Grandparents house after the service and yes - I was dressed to the nines...usually something pastel colored and chiffon. It was always a very formal dinner.

One year, when Mom and I dyed Easter Eggs (real ones), I was so proud of a lavender one I made, I hid it, so no one would eat it. I hid it in my desk. A few days later, Mom was going crazy trying to hunt down what smelled so bad! Who knew??


Kari (GrannySkywalker) said...

Ha! I did that with an egg, too...made one too pretty to eat so I hid it. I agree. Who knew they smelled so bad after awhile?? lol
Love your mammogram doll, btw. Funny stuff (she said with a grimace).

Justabeachkat said...

I did that too. Does all children? Hmmmmm.....

BTW, did you get your mammogram?


Kim said...

Oh my goodness--you are the only person I have ever heard talk about decorating a cross with flowers at Easter. That is something my church did when I was growing up and I just wrote about it tonight!!--(a bit late this week1)
Thanks for sharing. I just meandered around your blog a bit and enjoyed my *visit*--you have a very lovely spot.

Unknown said...

Julie! I have missed you! I have to catch up on your blog! Lovely photo of your girls! Lovely! And love the photos of Easter in your garden! It is good to be back. Still dealing with my problem but getting better very slowly!

PAT said...

When I take a few days off, it usually takes me a week to catch up with my blog visits!! Making a few of my rounds today.

I love your Easter memories. My sister and I wore dotted swiss a lot. I wonder if dotted swiss is still available!


CIELO said...

Oh Julie, you are so funny! I don't know why, but just by reading your blog, and your childhood stories I have a pretty idea of who you are.... somewhat wild, and adventurous.... Am I wrong?

Have a great weekend my friend!
