I like them and they give a nice neat appearance for a very good price of $1.48 each!
The dining room window finally arrived and was put in!
It is funny how I love the intimate places in the home and my husband is more drawn to the large open areas. Must have something to do with that Venus and Mars thing!
I snapped this picture of what the old fashioned crank windows look like when they are opened.
Thank you Lord!!! I love my house - I love my house!!
For those of you who have asked me when out house will be done. I do not have an answer for that. We are building this home project by project. The next contractor to be hired will be the electrician, but I have to get an idea of where we are with costs first. The AC guy gave me a labor bid, but we ended up having to get more flex tubing and other supplies from him for this job (more $$). The flex tubing that is running down the walls of the second story from the attic down to the first floor will have to have framing build around them - so that means more lumber costs and more framing costs. Also - although I have paid to have the hurricane clips installed - they have yet to be delivered for the installation... so more $$?? Still waiting for my plumbers bill too!
The electricians bid is not exact because when we added the 2nd story porch, we also added lighting. Along with a few other revisions, I just need to watch costs.
Soon - I will get to do a few DIY projects as well. Nothing too technical though.
it really is coming along quite fast I think. Of course Im not right there watching every day, so to me it seems like it anyways! the pavers or stones or bricks.. (whatever they are called) are perfect.
I guess the answer to when it will be done... is when its done! lol!
What are you going to do with the house youre in now Julie?
keep posting girlfriend! I love watching it all come together!
Loving the windows!
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