Thursday, June 5, 2014

You've Got To Have A Vision!!!

One thing my walk with the Lord has taught me - is that you must have a vision.  You must get the vision from Him.  You must stick to that vision, no matter what you see with your eyes, no matter what anyone else says to you - even if it looks like it will never come to pass.  You can have big and small visions, a vision for today - and a vision for your whole life.

Let me give you an example:

You may have to actually enlarge this picture to see the baby trees planted on each side of what is now turning into the road back to our house.  You can hardly see the almost 30 Red Shummard Oak trees unless you look REALLY hard!

..but you see, in my heart and mind, this is what I see!

..and this - although unless the Lord renames me Methusala (oldest man in the Bible) - I may not live to see them get this big!!

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