Friday, April 4, 2014

Gracie's Surgery

Gracie is our 4-5 year old Corgi.  She was surrendered and we adopted her just before Don left work for a year to take his last Hepatitis C treatment.  They bonded instantly since he was with her all the time and she seemed to have separation anxiety.

Well about a month ago, Gracie started to act like her should was hurting.  We waited and sometimes it seemed to go away, but would soon return.  Long story short - after 2 visits to the vet and weeks of steroids, it was just getting worse and worse.  We were referred to Texas A&M Vet for further tests. 

As you know, animals do not understand the concept of "hyperchondriacism", so I can only imagine how much pain she was in, when she cried out and would not raise her head!  We suspected correctly - Gracie had a massive slipped disc.  A&M had the proper equipment to diagnosis it and did surgery right away. 

The cost was substancial - and the money came out of my house building budget - but Hey ... Gracie is a part of our family and if I have to wait a bit longer to get something for the house, well - Gracie will now be there with us to enjoy it!

Here she is - on her first day home.   She looks a bit like she jumped through a shredder!! 

She was too shy to look at the camera.

They shaved the back of her neck to do a spinal tap.

Unlike on humans, they went in to do the surgery from under her neck.

..and every one of her little legs has a shaved band around it - from IV's I suppose.

Gracie's recovery will be a long 6 weeks.  We have to carry her up and down the stairs and keep her from running.  She does not jump on and off the furniture - so that is thankfully not an issue!
Thank  you Lord that she is on her way to recovery!! 


donna baker said...

Hope Gracie feels better soon. I came home one night to find my weenie paralyzed from midway down. I died; cried rivers. They did surgery on her back at OSU veterinary college and she is good now. She still jumps off of furniture though I try to stop her. It has been a few years ago, but then, I had to pay $3500. Sad that so many can't afford that.

L.Williams said...

Awww I hope she feels better soon!