This is our newest book, Isaac's Storm. Isaac Cline was the meteorologist in Galveston during the devastating 1900 Hurricane. This book tells many stories of those who were on the island during this horrific storm. I also have a book I purchased some years ago with many before and after photographs.

66 Days Adrift sounds like a good one...thanks so much for the review!
Art by Karena
THANK YOU for your Post! Both books look interesting to me.
After a few days reprieve, we're heading back into below freezing temps and snow. I don't care to ride in that weather and I'm also fighting off a cold. So I'm going to see if I can find those books at my local library, grab my blanket and settle down on the couch for a quiet weekend! :)
I think George would really enjoy 66 Days Adrift. I've added it to my list to try to find.
Happy Weekend.
When you first talked about 66 days adrift I bought it on Amazon and read it. I was surprised about the ending.
I read 66 Days Adrift a long time ago....but seem to remember deciding never to go on a boat trip!
oooo, thats one we havent read yet..Its amazing to read how they survived sometimes just based on their own will to live. Back then there wasnt the type of rescue stations that are set up now to handle these kind of natural disasters...no one was coming to save the day - it was between you and God...
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