It is not how funny they are..

..or how even though each has the same coloring, they are very individual.. is not even the wonderful eggs that they give me every single day..

..nope - it is the fact that ever since we have had hens, we have NEVER EVER thrown a single piece of food away. They are little garbage disposals and eat anything...

...even CHICKEN!
I've always wanted some chickens. Yours are beautiful. I didn't know they were little garbage disposals:)
hahah that is hilarious! and disturbing that they eat CHICKEN hahahaha. This gave me a nice chuckle this morning :)
Isn't THAT the truth! I always say, they will eat anything that doesn't eat them first!
(texasgal on BYC)
Did you finish the coup? I never saw the end result.
Hope Don is feeling well today.
I think my chickens were spoiled or something. They were picky eaters and wouldn't eat much of anything but fruit, especially grapes.
and the ticks and bugs, you need to add that they are great little bug eaters too!
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