He had a liver biopsy 2 years ago. It was the kind that they insert a very long needle through the skin at an angle under the rib cage. This biopsy procedure although a bit more comfortable for the patient, has a higher risk for bleeding. Don's current platelet count is 75,000. Normal is 140,000 to 400,000 which means he bleeds easily. It also means that clotting takes longer. If he bleeds from the trans jugular procedure, his blood feeds back into the veinus system. I hope that made sense. We will not have the results until his next appointment on the 15Th of December.
His procedure was scheduled for 12noon. Two emergencies came in that morning setting every one's schedules behind and Don was not wheeled into the OR until 3pm. It took an hour, instead of the 30-40 minutes they stated and then he was moved to a holding "short stay" room where he was observed for 6 hours. He had to lay in a certain position on his back with his head elevated for the entire time. The rooms were very small, only had a few uncomfortable upright type chairs and each room was a double. Don's roommate, ironically was a heart transplant patient. We were glad to be released and around 10:30pm he was wheeled down in a wheel chair to the front where they had already brought our car down from the parking lot.
Procedures at hospitals never seem to start on time. And the waiting around all day is exhausting. I hope Don has a good outcome. Keep us posted.
Jiminy crickets - that was a loooong day!
I hope Don is feeling better by the hour - and that Julie keeps her mind occupied long enough so the days pass quickly for the results ;)!
Thank you God for keeping Don safe, and Julie too - you are the great healer, and we thank you that we do have places to go to get medical answers - Thank you God!
Glad to know what's happening with Don. God has him covered! Rest in the everlasting arms of Jesus!
Praying for you all
patrina <")>><
Hope everything turns out to be good. That is a long day.
Blessings to you both
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