The operation, at least my part of it takes about 4-5 hours. Don's will take a bit longer. We will both be in intensive care for at least 1 day, followed by a regular room for several days afterwards. My stay should be 4-7 days, while Don may need to stay up to 2 weeks. It would be great if we could be in the same room, but I am not sure if that would be allowed or not.

Long term success rate for donor livers via the current transplant program is approximately 65%...however, that rate rises to over 90% for live donor recipients!

Our appointment is tomorrow with the transplant surgeon. Honestly, the only concern I have is the difference in our weight... but that margin can easily be narrowed if it needs to be!
will be praying for you both, and the surgeon as well, as you all discuss the possibilities...
Its amazing when God pulls back the curtain of darkness just a little at a time so we can see the path...
I pray for the Lord's protection for both of you as you walk this journey, in the name of Jesus, my sweet master, lover of my ragged soul. Amen. Thank you for stopping by my post of tablescapes. Please, come visit any time. Cherry Kay
i hope everything goes well for you too, another blog i follow has a wonderful success story, check it out~
Oh, my! This is wonderful! I admire you for what you are doing for your man! I would do the same! I've said a prayer for you both, and for the team of doctors.
Try to keep us updated!
God Bless.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sending my very best wishes your way.
This is amazing. I had heard that the liver is an amazing organ. Take care of yourself and you have lots of prayers going up in your and Don's behalf. God is faithful and He will be right there in the middle of you both. How cool is this, you get to give part of your liver to save your husband. I think that is way cool.
God bless you both
praying fervently :)
patrina <")>><
warrior bride in boots
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