..and I am going to focus on the good... the fun... the wonderful!

Our hens started laying eggs just a few short weeks ago. At first we were only getting 1 egg per day and they were quite small. Now each egg is larger, maybe the size of a medium egg you would get at the store and we are getting 3 per day!
Sadly with all that has been going on ...our poor hens are still living in a stall in the barn instead of their chicken coop. The coop itself is done... but the fencing around and above it, is not done.
I am sure the chickens are fine in the barn...hence the eggs! Things are not so fine here. G back in the hospital. Take care of Don!!
My new chickens are laying now too. Some in the coop, but since they roam around on the property during the day, I am finding eggs everywhere. It's like an easter egg hunt. I found 10 eggs the other day in a corner of the garage. Didn't know the hen was going in there until the dog sniffed her out.
I would love to have chickens. But I live in a garden home one block from a major highway, and a two-story bank is just across the road from me. Don't know how well that would go over!
I wishi I could have chickens. I'm glad that you're able to see the beauty around you when there's so much going on.
Patricia :o)
Nice they are laying, nothing better than fresh eggs
Julie, sorry for not visiting, but like you, a lot has been going on and I am more or less a caretaker of my brother. He is indepedant but still has the mind of a child. Sorry to hear about your dad. Sometimes they just want to be treated like a baby and I know it must be difficult at times.
Love the eggs. When I was a youngster, we always had fresh eggs, veggies, and meat to eat. Only sugar, flour, and condiments were bought at the store. I too wish we would get some real fall weather soon. The heat in South Louisiana is horrible and the humidity makes it feel even hotter. Bless you for looking after your dad. Hope Don is doing okay with his health. Hugs and prayers, Pat
My son and DIL have some chickens too and really enjoy having fresh eggs.
Hoping things are getting better for you each day.
Our chickens are laying too! Every day is a fun little treasure hunt.
Don't worry about the chickens in the barn. They are HAPPY. Trust me.
Hope things start looking up for you soon. *hugs*
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