Monday, May 31, 2010


For a long time, I have felt Spiritually hungry. I have never been one to talk much about politics .. and other than my own Christian testimony which I freely share, I have not promoted any other teacher, until now..
Out of the blue, I ran into an old friend - a girl friend whom I had lost touch with years ago. We used to go to church together. Delighted to see her, we spent some time together reminiscing. What I missed most was the feeling of being spiritually 'fed'...that wonderful feeling of being spiritually prosperous...a feeling I had not felt for a very long time. She told me about a minister named Joseph Prince....a pastor whose sermons are televised. Now I have never been a fan of "TV preachers" I approached with caution...but I knew my friend and she was one who demanded Biblical correctness from any preacher ... so I set my recorder to tape this guy. A bit difficult to understand see he has a bit of an accent. I almost had to lean my ear towards the TV to understand him. 30 minute programs that come on Monday through Friday..actually about 20 minutes of new teaching. It takes 3 programs to hear an entire sermon. I am loving it. I am starting to get hungry again...wanting to learn...wanting to know..wanting to understand...

If you are hungry...give this Bible based teacher a try.

...oh yeah - about the picture... that is one of my plum trees. The trees are 5-6 years old and have been up to this year barren of fruit. Last year I prayed over all my fruit trees while I walked around them touching their branches. This year, they all produced fruit... LOADS of much so the branches are dragging on the ground from the weight of it all...

Thank you Lord..for hearing my prayers!!!


Janice Grinyer said...

God is good...all the time!

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